Monday, December 14, 2009

The only way is up

I'm out! Yesterday morning the doctor took some blood and sent it off and then around 11 he came back to say he had some bad news - they had to kick me out because my neutrophils were up to 1.43 x 10^9 (1.8 x 10^9 is the normal lower limit). Waaahoo! I called mum and dad and they came by after church to pick me up. The timing couldn't have been much better because it meant that I was able to make it up to Humbug Scrub for lunch with the Lindsay side of the family - mum's two brothers and their families, many of which had come down from Queensland. It was a nice afternoon but a bit tiring.

Last night Dave shaved my head because I'd rather try and keep a step ahead and avoid having hair everywhere as it drops out. I'm okay with it all cut off. I've never been particularly fussed about my hair anyway so in a way if it's all gone, that's one less thing I have to bother with. It'll come back one day but for now I look a bit GI Jane-like.

It is nice to be back home today and have a bit more space and all my things and the internet and a real bed that isn't coated in plastic but in many ways it is more difficult. In hospital there are no jobs to do, you don't even have to think about eating - they just bring you food at the same times each day. There are no small children. It's easy to rest in hospital, it's going to be a bit trickier on the outside.

Today I need to go into Gawler and have another blood test and other than that we're taking it easy. Dave and the girls are having a pyjama day, I think I will get dressed for my blood test. Hopefully this week trundles on uneventfully and I recover more strength ready to start Round 2 next Monday.


  1. Nice! I think the Sinead O'Connor look works well!

    Big hugs.


  2. Hey!
    nice head. you look great!! you're working the 80's punk style like a pro.
    was awesome to see you yesterday, praying that this week goes by uneventfully and full of joy and peace for you all.

  3. you may be lacking neutrophils, but you are never lacking a smile mate. All our love Kev, Deb, Scarlett and Mac.

  4. You look at hell of a lot better without hair than Paul does. Also, you can grow yours back - his bald spot just gets bigger and bigger :)

  5. GI Beth - Well done!!!! We love you loads Beth! xxxxx You can teach Combat when you recover!!!

  6. Rock n roll girlie, you're lookin good! No 'Nana Beth' anymore :) Looking foward to our Ladies Lunch - and fingers crossed the next 24hrs (and beyond) are restfull, calm and uneventful for your clan :)

  7. having just re read your last post, i noted you mentioned "I've never been particularly fussed about my hair anyway". i disagree, dont you remember your school mornings of doing and re doing your hair over and over to get it just right? then spraying it slick with hairspray? ha!
