Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where did Tuesday go?

On the back of Monday's normalness, yesterday was terribly disappointing. I was very pathetic. I actually can't remember much because I was so vague and tired that it went past in a blur. I sat in the lounge chair a lot, trying to keep my eyes open and play "Tinkerbell and the Prince" with Maesie but it just wasn't happening. I did manage to feed the children and I did get them dressed but that was about it. Dave was out till lunchtime and it was hard going, but we all survived.

Once Dave got home I had a rest and then we packed some gear and headed off to his parent's place. We had a tasty roast for tea and then Dave and I headed off to Ross Noble. We were both so tired it was kind of silly to be going out in a way, but it was nice to be together for a little while and to have a good chuckle. I was glad that I was well enough to go and I enjoyed being out, pretending everything is just fine and dandy.

Today I am okay - not as good as Monday, but not as bad as yesterday. I feel tired and a bit weak and shaky, but not as totally pathetic as yesterday.

I realise that many of these blog entries are quite boring because they really only record what I/we did, whether I had a blood test, how my energy levels were, whether Maesie ate her vegetables etc etc. I do have quite a few things buzzing in my head to write but it ends up being late at night or I just feel too vague to get them down properly. In one sense, I guess I don't care that all this lacks interest and insight because part of the reason for putting it here is just as a record of 'the lymphoma days'.


  1. Your blog is anything but boring!! I check multiple times a day to see if you've written anything new.
    Thanks for the effort you go to in writing your thoughts and feelings down for the rest of us to read, we all appreciate it and value your honesty during a time when others would choose to become isolated and 'inward'.
    So glad you made it to Ross Noble, at least you got some quality time with Dave. That alone makes it worth the effort to get there.
    Love you

  2. with bjwils on this one Beth :D xx

    Ju xx

  3. i concur.

    kate bom

  4. It may seem boring to you but for those of us who have little idea what you are going through it is a font of knowledge

  5. Yes, I think so too. Praying a lot for you and Dave and the girls; that the medicine is killing the cancer and that at you may all grow and thrive in the months to come.
    Much love,

  6. Thanks ladies. I'm glad it is helpful for you. I appreciate that you read it, care, comment, pray and love me and my family.
