Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two books and crazy ladies

So what's been happening since Wednesday? Good question.

Thursday - not much. Just loitered at home. Felt ok. Took Maesie to dance where she sat on my lap the whole time. No more dance.

Friday - still feeling okay. I took Maesie to her first morning of pre-entry at her new pre-school and she was pretty happy about it. I then spent around 1.5 hours visiting six op shops in Gawler in the hunt for suitcases. The old style hard ones to use for storage in my house. I didn't find any. It was very disappointing. Elsie was at child care and in the afternoon we picked her up and took the girls to swimming lessons.

Saturday - in the morning we all headed to Starplex where the girls went to creche, Dave taught his combat class and I did an RPM class. I took it easy and just did what I could. It was good to be part of the class and be blasted with music and get the heart pumping. I have had a number of people comment on my going to the gym and how it's amazing and inspirational. It's not really. I've been maybe once every couple of weeks and I can't do the full class. I'm nowhere near the level I used to be. I'm just trying to keep doing what I used to do, keep my body moving and get a bit of motivation from the exercise and music.

On Saturday afternoon we went to the park with Dave's sister and her family. The kids enjoyed a play on the playground and then we headed home with an extra child as we had one of the cousins for a sleepover. The night wasn't the greatest sleep ever but it wasn't too bad.

Sunday - still feeling ok. Church in the morning then home for lunch, naps, play etc. We ventured out later in the afternoon to return the cousin but that was about it. Not a great deal to report.

Monday - I got a ride into the city with the same friend as last week and we had another good chat on the way. Once in the city I went to the IMVS for a blood test and had to wait for a while. By the time I went in to the nurse, I was due in oncology. Nevermind. I finished one book waiting there. I headed up to the day centre and told them I'd just had my test so then I had to wait again until they got the results. I eventually got started and had my IV drugs no worries. With the possible exception of having to sit next to some annoying people. The patient, who had actually had treatment a couple of years ago already, was a youngish lady. Perhaps my age or a little bit older. She had with her an older, 'helpful' friend. The friend was just a bit of a nutter I think and between the two of them, they were freaking me out. I did feel a bit sorry for the patient though, having to be back after a couple of years and they were talking about her having to have a stem cell transplant, which is a whole new world of crazy. Needless to say, if I see them again, I will be giving them a wide berth.

I finished my treatment, met a friend briefly in the carpark to pick up some food (thanks!) then waited for a ride from the Leukemia Foundation car. I hadn't used their service before but thought I'd give it a try. I had to wait for about 45 mins so I finished my second book for the day (the books were both started before yesterday - I'm not that fast at reading) and was writing a few bits and pieces when my friend from last Monday, Joe Blogs, and his wife came into the foyer to wait for a car too. They were heading to Andrews Farm so we wondered if we might be all traveling together. It did turn out that way and we all piled into a car driven by a slightly crazy old lady. We got about 10 minutes out of the city and then Joe started to sweat and feel woozy and have chest pains. We turned around and took him back to the emergency department of the RAH. That left me with the crazy lady all the way to Gawler. It wasn't too bad and we ended up chatting about gardening. Turns out she hasn't had any luck with her tomatoes this year either.

I ended up getting home around 3, only shortly before Dave and the girls came home. Dave's folks came round for tea and then took the girls back to their place for a couple of nights sleepover so I don't need to worry about them for the next couple of days. I can just rest when needed and take it easy.

I looked up Joe's number in the phone book and rang later in the evening. He was home and okay, which was good news.


  1. at least the guy didnt spew up or die in the car, now that would have made your blog very exciting!!
    Glad to hear you're travelling well, hope these couple of days sans kids are relaxing for you and dave.
    much love.

  2. Beth, I have finally had the opportunity to read your blog. I must tell you that you ARE an inspiration. I'm sure you don't feel like one at times....but you are. I am certain there's a book in there! You have made my cry with your honesty and laugh out loud whilst reading this. I know I'm not alone in this.

    I cannot imagine how I would deal with this if it were me. I could only hope that if cancer decided to hijack my body that I could deal with it with even half as much grace as what you have.

    On another note...I cannot believe you and Dave have been married for 10 years.....I still remember the day! You and your cherry doc's!!!! :-)

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot offer to help with you because I'm too bloomin far away.....but if I can help you by lending an ear please don't hesitate.

    Lots of love, always
    Nic xoxoxoxo
