Thursday, February 11, 2010

A festy foot

There has been a new development. For a couple of days I have had a red spot on the bottom of my right foot. I thought it was a fungal infection and tried putting cream on it but it didn't get any better. It got worse yesterday and overnight and today it's about the size of a 20 cent piece and it's all raised and blistery and gross. I called the clinical trials nurse and she spoke to Dr Giri and he asked me to head down to the Lyell McEwen so that he could have a look at it.

The nurse at the hospital took a swab to be sent to IMVS to try and find out what it is. The results should be ready by Monday. Sure don't like to rush things.....

Dr Giri thought it might be shingles and so he wrote out a prescription for some tablets which I picked up from the hospital and have to take for the next 10 days or so. I have to sit with my foot up which sucks completely and Dave is being very bossy about it. I have to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse I need to call Dr Giri and if I feel crook or get a temperature I have to go to the hospital, just like usual.

So my foot hurts and I can't walk. In addition, the back of my mouth and tongue are pretty sore and feel all fat. It's a bit poopy. Dave is worried about me and is fairly sick of the uncertainty of each day at the moment. I'm tired and I'm not looking forward to trying to sleep with this achy foot again. I'm also tired of this whole fiasco. I just want things to go back to the way they were. I'm halfway and it seems there's still so long to go and I'm a bit worried about the results of my scan next week and I'm trying not to worry about the future and what if it comes back and all that sort of stuff but it's all in the mix and this evening I'm not happy about things.


  1. nothing profound to say :( except sending a gazillion hugs and loves and prayers! Here if you need always *hugs*
    Ju xo

  2. Hi Beth

    As always...praying for you. Try not to worry...easy said than done,.....but I feel positve for you and your family. Keep us updated on what happens with your foot. Let me know if you need me for ANYTHING. Hugs girlfriend. xoxo Jandra

  3. bah! So annoying... sometimes our bodies just don't like to play along and really do knock you when you're already down :s

    My older bro had shingles during year 12 and didn't realise until the end and he shower my mum- she went nuts at him :P moral of the story though- shingles is a pain in the butt, but not every case is horrible, so here's hoping that if it is shingles yours doesn't get too bad :-)

    I understand if you're sick of it all, but one day it will all be a distant memory :-)

    Also... do you reckon delta goodrem had all the problems you had? Cos if she did, that almost gives you a bit of street cred :-) You're just like a celebrity ;) ha ha
