Sunday, February 14, 2010

Three notes

I've got a few notes from the last few days....

1. Since when do Ian Thorpe's financial difficulties count as front page news? Who really cares? And when you read the article it turns out he suffered a little hardship during the global financial crisis and, oh no, might have to sell one of his three houses. That sure does sound tough Thorpey. Is that honestly what the Advertiser thinks is the best thing for Saturday's front page? Such crap. Tell us some real news. What's happening in the world? What's really going on? I guess I don't usually get this much time to read through the paper and it is probably just as full of junk every week, but it bugged me.

2. Whilst spending some time yabbering to the Lord yesterday, I was reminded of a song that had also come into my mind last time I was in hospital. It's not one of my favourite songs at all but it is still an encouragement. It goes "Jehovah Jirah *clap* my provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me." I actually really don't like the song so the fact that it pops up feels like a cheeky message from God. My Bible reading this morning was also very applicable and time appropriate. It was 2 Corinthians 12 where Paul writes of his 'thorn in the flesh' and the response he got from the Lord, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Weirdly similar to my non-favourite song.... Then one of the questions in the notes was "What circumstances do I wish God would take from my life?" Hmmm, that's a tough one, let me think a moment. Cancer? Yeah. That's it. The other questions were "How am I praying about them? and What has God said?". The answers to those are a bit trickier.....

3. I have signed up with the Leukemia Foundation for the Shave for a Cure. I've already shaved my head (not much of a choice) but Dave said he might do his to raise some cash. I've put in a link here that will hopefully direct you to a website with some info about it all and you can consider making a donation online too.
Worlds Greatest Shave 2010


  1. Is this Shingles List?

  2. Maybe Shinglers List is closer

  3. Really praying that Dave and the girls dont get chicken pox. Will definately be donating money to Dave for the shave...will see him at church.
    I am so glad I am not the only one pi$$ed off about the Ian Thorpe finamcial crisis on the front page.....never mind all the other tragedy's in the world....sometimes I dont know why I read the paper...
    see ya soon.
    dont forget if you need anything....

  4. that must have been one of the parts of the paper i skimmed over and didn't take any notice of lol. one good thing you have the internet and you get to go home today!!!! so at least you can now be at home where it is comfortable. Wow that is very cool you have shared your thoughts from your quiet time the other day. i've just finished Hebrews and just remembered the part where it says "never will i leave you, never will i forsake you" in Hebrews 13:5 and after looking it up again I just think how perfect the following verse is for you: "the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid". may that be our prayer for you all and may we all remember that he is with us every step of the journey. thanks for the blogging and the updates Beth. Hoping the family is going ok. all our love and prayers xoxo

  5. My God shall supply all my needs.....according to His riches in Glory.....He gives the angels charge over me.....Jehovah Jirah cares for me for me for me Jehovah Jirah cares for me.

    there. its out of my system. hope it torments you and gets stuck in your head cause as annoying as it is, its Truth.

    Give the sermon series we gave you on CD another go. Finish them at least and i wont ask again. DO IT.

    Love you.

  6. Okay, I've wondered for long enough... And sorry that is isn't as soul-full a comment as others.... What is it with the suitcases? Okay, getting grandad's is pretty groovy. But apart from that, I think you said you wanted suitcases for storage? I'm sure Bunnings has pretty big plastic boxes for $10-15. Don't they cut it? You can stack them and they hold lots. Please help and explain;)
    PS Good luck if scans still on for tomorrow. Be thinking of you:)
