Monday, April 12, 2010

Energy = 4.5/10

I've been meaning to write for a couple of days but just haven't made it till now. I'm so vague I can't even remember what has happened since Thursday....

Oh, I remember. Friday was quite busy. I was tired. No surprises really.

We all piled into the car and headed in to the city for Dave to do a voiceover job. While he was there, I went to get a blood test with my two young friends. It didn't take too long, but it took quite a while to get across the city. We picked up Dave and headed down to Brooklyn Park to a farewell service and lunch with the Anglican formation group. I am glad we all went, but it was tiring and I didn't do much when we got home.

On Saturday we all went to Starplex, as is the norm, and I did Body Balance. Once again, it was good to move and do some sort of exercise. After that, Maesie and I went to the post office and then to get a few groceries. Back at home we had lunch with Dave's sister and her family. I had a tasty turkey and salad roll. I just realised that I didn't have cranberry sauce though, which is an indication of how tired I was. I think Saturday night was uneventful.

Sunday we had church followed by a church lunch. It was good, but tiring again. I'm just tuckered out much of the time.

Today I have been fairly useless. I organised the car insurance renewal, tried to work out whether there is anything left of some thousands Dave once had in a superannuation account, watched part of Aladdin with Maesie, got a blood test, rested on my bed and that's about it.

Tomorrow I am heading into the RAH again for what will hopefully be my penultimate doses of vincristine and bleomycin.

As I sit around not doing much and reclining on my bed, I have been doing a bit of thinking. I have been reading a book called "How good are you? Clean living in a dirty world." so I have been considering where our household stands environmentally and thinking hippy thoughts. Things are quite screwed up I think. I shan't rave about it here....

I have also been scaring myself with many thoughts of crafts and things to make, which is spooky. It seems that having turned thirty I feel the urge to create, as well as taking an interest in history - something I was never particularly fond of. I am just getting more and more nanna-like.


  1. sounds like we need a date ;-D hehehe xx
    Ju xo

  2. Resonate with so much of this entry.

    Overlooking the lack of cranberry sauce certainly indicates tiredness. It's gyta be the best bit!

    Been thinking rather hippy thoughts for some time now ... All of which end with building a hay bale house.

    I'm into creating ... Though my expanding collection of fabric is causing tension in our household.

    And history!? It's taken you this long ...!?

    Blessings to you and your fam,

    Kate Bom

  3. Off to buy you a tie dyed tshirt now.
