Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pre-PET #2

I am typing the fastest blog so far. It's late and I have biscuits in the oven and once they're done and out, I am going to bed.

My fingers are pretty much normal now - not tingly or weird any more so that is quite nice.

I was really tired most of last week, possibly because I used up all my energy driving to and cooking in Burra a couple of Saturdays ago. My knees and elbows have been a bit achy though and when I get up from sitting down for a while, it takes a few steps to get going. I feel like an old lady. More nana evidence. Is now the time to mention I am also trying to find a pattern so that I can crochet a tea-cosy?

My hair is growing back in all locations which is an encouraging sign.

I have my scan tomorrow. I am hoping that because it has been delayed the result might be a bit more definitive. If there's active disease then it really will be active. Clean up has a better chance of being finished so hopefully there isn't a false positive. And if there is no active disease then there really is no active disease. I am going to see the doctor about the results on Friday so that will be an interesting appointment.

I have been at work yesterday and today. Shorter days, admittedly, but work nonetheless. It has been nice to be back. Good to see the people. Good to be working. Good to be getting some cash.

I am not looking forward to fasting for the scan tomorrow, nor am I looking forward to lying on the bed of the machine for about half an hour trying not to move. Grrr.

Biscuits done. Off to bed.

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