Friday, June 25, 2010


The results of my latest PET scan are inconclusive. Some small spots of activity are still hanging around but they could be due to my own good cells still cleaning up. We just have to keep hanging around and then have another scan in three months to see what's going on.

The doctor was surprised to see that I have put on quite a few kilos since I started treatment as he said most of his patients lose weight and don't have much of an appetite. I had a blood test to check for thyroid function so it will be interesting to see what that says. Maybe there will be more of an explanation to this than just too many sweets and custard.

That's about all at the moment. We're in a bit of a tizz about it I guess. Not too sure what this means for the next few months and for next year. I'm just going to keep plodding on and see how it goes.


  1. I feel your frustration. I find it difficult when I can't be in control of my life.


  2. Oh bummer. Nothing worse than inconclusive. Sorry you cant make too many plans for next year. Will be praying for good health.
    See you sunday for Elsie party.
    xx Jandra

  3. ohhh how frustrating beth!! sending you all much love and praying for you all xoxooxoxoxo
