Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Making way for the postman

There's not a whole lot to say, and I don't have long to say it because I have to go to bed. I just thought I'd better write something for the week.

The main thing is that I have been feeling better. I will still go and see the psychologist next week because it will be good to think through some things, but the last few days have not been as bad.

On the weekend we got a few jobs done in the yard, which is a bonus. Today I pulled some more weeds out too. The weeds definitely defeated us this winter but next year I am hoping they won't get as far. We have a new strategy that involves Zero in spray packs conveniently located by the front door.

I think the postman has been avoiding our letterbox. The letters were on the bonnet of the car this morning, except I didn't notice until I had picked up a bit of speed down the street and they all flew off. I had to stop and run down the road to pick them all up. Then when I got home today there was a catalogue on the footpath. I think he's grumpy about the letterbox being full of rocks (courtesy of the girls) and there often being a car parked on the bit between the road and our letterbox (the verge?) and lots of high weeds. There's no dog chasing him though, so what's the big deal. Anyway, I like getting mail so I returned the rocks to the path, pulled up the weeds, asked Dave to whipper-snip the tall grass and moved the car. Hopefully the mail goes in the box tomorrow. Perhaps I need to lay a red carpet.

You may recall that some time ago I had a slight pre-wedding dilemma because I couldn't find the underpants I wanted. I found them today. They were in one of the 'to be washed' clothes hampers in the laundry, under a dress I haven' t worn since last summer and eventually threw into the machine today. Happy day. I was glad to see them again.

The other thing to mention is that I have signed up for WaterAid's Walk4Water and I am attempting to take 10 000 steps each day for a month to raise some cash for WaterAid. They help people in developing countries access clean, safe water. Please think about sponsoring my efforts and be thankful for the water you can access from a tap in your house. Here's a link that should work:

1 comment:

  1. Still reading your blog Beth... Was great to catch up this morning. Quite like the sound of the sound of Walk4Water. We have been learning about that sort of thing... walking that far to get water in our preparation for Africa. Great to hear/see that you're feeling better, and without meaning to I guess you're encouraging me to get out and exercise more. See you soon :) x
