Friday, December 25, 2009

A merry chemo Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

I have had a good couple of fairly normal days. Yesterday I still felt well and even braved the shops at Gawler for a little while - a few groceries and a key Christmas present that turned out to be "Just what I wanted" for a three year old girl.

We headed out to church for a 7pm birthday celebration which was a lovely service. It was a tricky call though because we didn't get home till quite late and the girls went to sleep after 9 so Dave and I didn't get started on getting organised until after that. Unfortunately we ended up going to bed around 2am. Kind of silly when I'm supposed to be resting but I'll do that in a few days. My white cells aren't low yet....

This morning we all got organised in time to unwrap presents and get to church at 9am. It was another good celebration of Jesus' birth. After that it was over to Dave's parent's place. Presents, lunch, kids, Dora, nerf guns, carols and more. We're still there and will be for some time I'll wager.

To be honest, I don't really feel like I've had chemo this week. I am hoping that the drugs are still working hard at killing off the lymphoma and that it's just a bonus that I feel good. Hopefully tomorrow is another good day as we will be catching up with my folks, my sister's family, grandad and Judy.

Thanks to all those who have been thinking of me and hoping I will enjoy Christmas and praying I will feel well. I have had a great day, your prayers have been answered.

Sunday should be fairly normal I hope, followed by Monday with doses of bleomycin and vincristine. Tuesday I will jab myself in the gut with a white blood cell booster and after that the plan is to spend the next few days taking it very easy at home. Most likely in bed keeping up my fluids with the aim of avoiding another trip to hospital.


  1. Oh Beth, that photo of you quite truly took my breath away- you look absolutely beautiful....and I'm not just saying that.

    As for Maesie's dress...I need to get one of those in my size....adorable!!!!

    Awesome to hear you had a great Christmas, enjoy your rest and relaxation. You know, the time in bed could potentially be an awesome chance to get a buttload of box sets watched....or could I recommend youtube-ing 'sneezing panda'... hilarious, will keep you amused and happy for one day minimum. :-)

  2. Gorgeous photos of you, dave and the girls beth!! much love to you all xoxoxoox
