Monday, December 28, 2009

Praise the Lord

I have been meaning to update the prayer points on the side for a while but before I do I would like to point out that many of them have been answered.
  • That I wouldn't be too anxious about Monday
I was not anxious about going back last Monday. I happily caught the bus in by myself and almost had a good time in the day centre as I received my drugs. Everything went very smoothly.
  • For a good week before the next round starts
I perhaps didn't have a full good week prior to the second round, but I definitely had about four good days, which were a blessing.
  • Patience with the girls
Despite Elsie being still quite clingy to me and Maesie being bossy and rude and recalcitrant and 3.75 y.o, I have been surprisingly patient and able to put up with them without losing it. I'm pretty sure there's more to this than my awesome parenting abilities (please note : joke).
  • That I would have a good appetite and eat good food
I have had a good appetite and have been eating mostly normal food. I enjoyed Christmas food and haven't struggled to eat or with things tasting weird etc.
  • For competent medical staff
The oncology nurses are lovely and they all know what they are doing. They don't make me feel nervous at all. Dr Giri knows what he is talking about and he seems to care what happens to me and he knows about my case. Chris (the clinical trials nurse) comes to visit me in the day centre most times I am there getting chemo, just to check that everything is okay. She is also available by phone to answer any of my questions and she calls to let me know my blood results, so I feel well cared for.
  • For continued strength from the Lord
This one is being answered in many ways. I feel good, comfortable, happy (mostly), able to cope, firm in my faith, not afraid, peaceful etc. I'm fairly sure this is all provided by God.
  • For healing
This one is hard to know and I wish I could tell. The only things I have to go by are that before treatment started, I had a pesky cough. I'm not sure what it was from, but possibly due to the mass in my chest bothering my lungs and associated tubing. I haven't had the cough since I started chemo. Also, there used to be a little nodule I could feel to the side of my neck and I can't feel it anymore. As for what's actually happening, I will have to wait until after Round 4 when I get scanned again.

So whether you have been praying or just thinking positively along these lines for me then I appreciate it and in the words of that pesky little Anakin Skywalker in Episode One "It's working!"

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic to hear things have been going so much better this time. Hope you are resting as you said you would - though tis very difficult with kiddies regardless of their age.
    I'll have to chat to you about the breast cancer patient you met as a friend of mine, Jayne, would have been in for chemo on that same Monday- it could be one of those freaky coincidences or not...
    Stay well and definite thanks to the big guy for taking such awesome care of you (also to the not-so-big but getting older guy you live with).
