Maesie called out at 7 and when I woke up I knew things weren't right with me. I made it down to Maesie's room, we both went to the toilet and then I headed straight to the phone to call an ambulance. I was sweaty and shaky and not all together steady. While I was on the phone I blacked out briefly and then found myself on the floor with Maesie telling me I dropped the phone and the ambulance people still on the other end. I answered all their questions, although I'm not sure I was making much sense. I told them I was on chemo and that I needed to get to the hospital. As I spoke to them from the floor I felt sligthly better and the guy said he either had lights and sirens to get me in 10 minutes or another one within the hour. I said I could probably wait, but I probably shouldn't have. I should have taken the lights and sirens. I hung up from them and then called Dave and when I told him what was going on, he said he'd come and get me. So I called back the ambulance to tell them Dave was coming.
Dave wasn't long and I kind of got myself organised crawling along on the floor. Maesie was pretty good. She was a bit worried but she didn't freak out and she quickly got ready once Dave came. We got into the car and headed down to the Lyell McEwin. Dave had called his mum earlier and she was there already, ready to take Maesie and she'd told them all my details. I waited for about 5 minutes, almost fainted off the chair but then they had a bed for me and we went through. They put an IV line in and started antibiotics pretty much straight away, according to the letter I had from the RAH.

I'm still not entirely sure what happened. I don't think I had an infection and I didn't really have a temperature but my blood pressure was really low (89/45) and it stayed low all day. It has come up a bit today and I am feeling okay. My white blood cell count is still really low so I am kicking back in the Lyell McEwin for the next few days while my bone marrow gets it's act together and cranks out the all-important white blood cells. I am in my own room because I am not allowed to be near sick people and when the nurses come in they have to put a gown, gloves and a mask on. The people bringing the food aren't allowed in. I feel a bit like a leper.

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