Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Return of the Vomeros

I did go for a run on Friday. Well, when I say run what actually happened was I did go to the gym in my neglected Vomeros and I spent some time on the treadmill. Mostly walking but a few intervals of jogging. I did 3.16 k in 30 minutes. I'm not setting any speed records but at least it was something. After that I got a blood test and picked up a few groceries, then home for the rest of the day. During the afternoon, Dave and Maesie acted out a mixed-up princess story with all of Maesie's princess barbies and other items. It ended with a wedding between Ariel and the Prince, as they usually do. During the vows, Maesie made the Prince ask "Do you promise to eat whatever Ariel cooks?" Ariel also had to promise to eat whatever the Prince cooks. Dave and I had a little giggle about that one.

Saturday marked a momentous occasion. I drove myself into the city and home again. I haven't driven that far since probably November last year. It was nice to be able to feel well enough to do it. I did go to the city with a purpose, not just to see if I could drive there... It was the Micah Challenge launch of their Action Toolkit full of ideas, information and resources about the Millennium Development goals and ways to make positive change for the world's poor. It was a good morning and quite thought provoking.

On Saturday afternoon we all went to a one year old birthday party. It was a good afternoon. The girls played with the other children and it was good to catch up with friends and family who were there. In the evening we left the girls there to stay with grandparents and Dave and I headed off to the Church Missionary Society Dinner. Which may sound quite boring but was a good night.

Sunday was average, mainly because it was post-party day and we were all tired and grumpy.

Anyway, three days where I felt well and life was reasonably normal.

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