Friday, March 12, 2010

A foolish excursion

Yesterday and today have been quite good on the energy side of things and I'm expecting that to continue over the weekend and into next week as I start treatment again. It'll be the week after where things get wonky again.

With my energy up yesterday I decided that I would go out to the shops with the girls. I wanted to go to Target and then Foodland, both for only a couple of things. Well, I may have had some energy but I had lost my brain. I left the house at about 11am. I left before giving the girls any lunch and I left before Elsie had a rest. Target wasn't too bad but it was difficult moving my young friends on from the toy section. Back in the car and Elsie didn't want to be strapped in, which is unfortunate for a 20 month old in a car. She cracked it. At Foodland Maesie was not happy with the Drake brand 'blue' bread I had selected and she wanted 'pink' bread. She cracked it. We ended up with Wonder-bloody White and promptly left. I am glad to say that I did not crack it. We all made it home and the afternoon was not too bad. Needless to say, I will never repeat my error.

This morning I actually had enough energy to get annoyed and a bit huffy. I was getting Maesie ready for pre-school and Elsie ready for childcare. I was going ok until I couldn't find Elsie's shoes. She only has one pair of shoes so I really needed them before I took her to childcare. We couldn't find them. In the end I left Elsie with Dave and took Maesie to pre-school - she was late. Back at home Dave had found some crusty sandals that would do for the day so I took Elsie to childcare. Back home again and I got to have a shower and then I headed out for a blood test. I went to the IMVS at the doctor's but when I got there they said my blood wouldn't get up to the hospital in time for analysis before my appointment so I left there and went up to the IMVS at the hospital for my test. Just little things that made my morning frustrating.

This afternoon I saw the doctor to make sure everything is okay to start another round on Monday. I didn't really have any questions today and it was pretty straight forward. Nothing to tell. Oh, except that my haemoglobin was 110 (instead of 73 last week) so thanks to whoever it was whose blood I got last Friday. My neutrophils were 4 point something too, which is in the normal range. So all good with the blood.

1 comment:

  1. Now come on Beth... We all know that Pink bread is far more tasteful than blue bread. xxxxxx I am with Maesie on this one.
