Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The last of testicle man.

I have a few bits of news today.

I had etoposide again this morning and it was no hassles.

While I was there I asked the nurse about testicle man. I haven't seen him for ages and I thought maybe he'd finished. Now, I didn't say "Does testicle man still come in?" because that just wouldn't be right for lots of reasons. I did use his name and she was pretty sure she knew who I was talking about. She said she thought he had finished. So I guess I missed my chance to chat further. I hope he goes ok. It's strange having these passing semi-acquaintances.

The trials nurse came to see me today too and she had another treat for me - another bottle of barium concrete and a CT appointment letter to go with it. Turns out I need to have a CT scan and lung function test after Round 6. I thought it was only at the end but there's one a bit sooner, so that'll be interesting to see. I'm not so keen on drinking that sludge, but I'll do my best.

She also told me that she's read my blog. Someone in oncology saw it and told her about it. I'm not too sure how the person in oncology found it, whether she just found it on the internet or whether someone who knows me knows someone who knows someone who knows her. It's Adelaide, it's the internet - the circles are scarily small. Chris said she passed it on to Dr Giri, so now I'd better watch what I say :)

Chris also said that the person who told her about my blog had asked whether I might think about talking to her class next semester about experiences of cancer and treatment from the patient point of view. So we'll see what comes of that and I may or may not end up doing something.

And to top things off, the festering blistery sore on my foot has gone down and I can pretty much walk normally. Hooray!

Who knows what tomorrow will hold....

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    pretty interesting to have another CT so soon, will be praying for a completely clear result.
    sucked in about having everyone in Onc read your blog, you'll have to edit your comments, specially re the success and faliures of cannular entry.
    its Adelaide and you're famous!!!
    Love you
